About Corey P. Smith
When a homeless man needed to get a handle on his credit, it was his tutelage and expertise that helped him obtain an apartment.
When a friend needed help obtaining bank loans, he not only helped him achieve that goal, but he was also instrumental in helping him to purchase cars as well. Underwriters, realtors, attorneys and consumers from around the country have found him to be a credible, highly knowledgeable and invaluable resource. And when his business acumen was questioned, he emerged victoriously after appearing before the grand jury.
Who is this guy? He is Corey P. Smith,noted author and credit awareness expert/lecturer. He is also one of the nation’s foremost trailblazers in his arena.
Smith is the author of How to Outsmart the Credit Bureaus, and his latest release isThe Conspiracy of Credit. Smith is also author of the documentary, “Credit is for Poor People.”
A native of Memphis, Tennessee, Smith attended Cleveland State Community College on a basketball scholarship. He later graduated from Tennessee State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology. He is a Navy veteran, former high school History teacher and corrections officer. After facing and conquering his own personal struggles with credit, Smith embarked upon a journey that would change people’s lives for the better. In order to do this, his first order of business would be to address his own credit issues.
Smith made a conscious decision to quit teaching school and resign from the Navy to dedicate all of his time and attention to gaining as much knowledge as possible on every aspect of credit. His quest was successful, and today, Smith travels the nation spreading this message of empowerment.
Corey P. Smith is married and the father of three daughters.